Our lawn fertilization and weed control treatments are applied seven times per season, beginning in early March, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, and ending in mid November. We include a summer time grub control application and lime treatment. Core aeration and overseeding is an essential Fall time service included in our program. Topdress and overseeding may be recommended in the Spring or Fall. We tailor our program based on the needs of your lawn.
A soil sample is recommended to determine your lawn’s nutrient requirements. Most fertilizer is made up of three important macronutrients: phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium, each with its own purpose. We select each treatment based upon the needs of the property and the growing conditions to ensure healthy growth.
Fertilizing lawns is important because it not only helps the grass grow full and green, but it also aids in the resistance of pests and lawn disease.
Weed Control
If left untreated, weeds will hog valuable real estate in your lawn. Their roots extend out beneath the grass and absorb nutrients that are meant for your lawn. It is important to apply pre- and post-emergent treatments at the right time to fend off the invasion. The result is a fuller, greener lawn.
Core Aeration and Overseeding
Our fall time core aeration and overseeding service is an essential step to keeping your lawn healthy and green. Core aerators pull plugs from the lawn and have a multitude of benefits. Aeration reduces soil compaction; allows food, water, & oxygen to get deeper into the soil; helps decompose the thatch layer; and improves root growth by bringing vital nutrients back to the surface. Overseeding replenishes your lawn with new grass to thicken your yard.
Topdress and Overseeding
Our topdress and over seeding service is an essential step to re-establish or repair damaged lawns. We use an organic material to amend the soil, slowly releasing vital nutrients into the lawn over time. Over seeding the area with a premium tall fescue seed will restore into a healthy lawn.
Grub Control
Our grub control application is applied in mid summer to target grubs at the correct time of their development cycle. This is a preventive treatment to reduce the grub population and surface feeding insects. Grubs can severely damage turfgrass roots and adult grubs (i.e. Japanese Beetles) can attack plants in the landscape.
Lime Application
Our lime application can be applied any time throughout the season. This treatment adjusts and maintains the desired pH level in the soil, allowing the essential nutrients we apply throughout the year to be utilized by the turf.
Fertilization Program Outline
Our typical program includes the following applications, applied 4 to 6 weeks apart, early Spring through late Fall. Our program can be altered based on the needs of your lawn and your budget.
Round 1: Fertilizer and Pre-emergent
Applied early Spring to promote beautiful lawn color and suppress many broadleaf weeds
Round 2: Fertilizer, Pre-emergent and Weed Control
Applied in Spring, controls many broadleaf weeds including crabgrass and dandelion
Round 3: Fertilizer and Spot Spray Weed Control
Applied in early Summer, keeps lawn healthy and selectively treat weeds as necessary
Round 4: Fertilizer and Spot Spray Weed Control
Applied in Summer, fertilize for extended nutrient release and selectively treat weeds
Grub control application: Applied in Summer
Round 5: Fertilizer and Spot Spray Weed Control
Applied in Early Fall, fertilize to promote top growth & selectively treat weeds
Round 6: Fertilizer and Spot Spray Weed Control
Applied in Fall, fertilize and selectively treat weeds as necessary
Core Aeration and Overseeding: Fall time service.
Round 7: Winterizer
Applied in late Fall, fertilize to avoid winter stress and promote early spring green-up
Lime application: Applied any time during the season.
A contractor applying fertilizer and pesticides in Maryland is required by law to be licensed by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Our licensed applicators complete annual training to stay updated on new laws and approaches in the industry.